Monday, November 2, 2015

Swiss Family Clyne

The morning brought some chill as the wood stove had burned out during the night.  I was able to get downstairs without breaking my neck (the wooden stairs to the second floor sleeping area were frighteningly steep and narrow). After a brief battle with the wood burning stove, I got a steady fire going.

Soon we were warm, drinking hot tea and hot chocolate.  Sammy, who had fallen asleep before we arrived, heard wondrous stories about cows and tractors, so he was eager to walk around the farm.

As soon as we went outside, the cowbells could be heard.  

The farmhouse was right next to a play structure.  Joey and Sammy's eyes widened and they both smiled hugely.

Lanna also joined in, seeing her big brothers having so much fun.

Then we were greeted by a brace of ducks who comically waddled by at a rapid clip, one male herding his harem of five ladies to a small duck pond up the hill.

Next Sammy saw the giant red tractor and immediately ran to it. He quickly requested a photo.

Joey also requested a photo.

The cows and sheep could be seen inside the barn and the boys could not stop admiring them!  The cows, on the other hand, did not seem overly impressed by either Joey or Sammy.

We walked around a little more, saw some rabbits and a tiny black and white cat which Joey named "Itty Bitty Dalmation Kitty."  Despite Joey's baseline animal magnetism, none of the farm animals seemed to gravitate towards him and the cat kept a safe distance.

We walked further down the hill to the next farm.  

Throughout the morning walk, and, in fact, throughout the entire time we stayed at the farmhouse, we always heard the low, constant jangling of cowbells.  I loved it as it seemed to add to the peaceful bucolic nature of the farm.  I also couldn't help but think about Christopher Walken.

He would love it here. 

Joey also loved it here as he communed with nature.

There was more of Switzerland that we wanted to see, so we headed to the car for the long drive away from the farm, although it was hard to leave such stunning views (that's why Sammy is so torn up in this picture...or that he has to have a picture taken, it's unclear).

We drove over to St. Gallen.  Alisa and I had plans to shop for some Swiss watches and introduce the kids to fondue.  We were successful on all fronts!

Upon our return to the farmhouse, we fixed some more hot chocolate and had a relaxing evening. 

The next morning the boys did a circuit to say farewell to the cows, the ducks, the sheep, the rabbits, Itty Bitty Dalmation Kitty, and the cows again.

They did stop to enjoy the view which was all the more impressive as the clouds lifted a little to reveal the majestic Alps rising up behind the verdant hills of Ednat-Kappel.

Again we felt the bittersweet mix leaving such a peaceful and lovely place as we looked forward to meet up with some old friends in Germany.

The cowbells sounded a little more melancholy as we slowly drove away.

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