Monday, September 14, 2015

Sisters are the BEST!

A huge THANK YOU to my sister Sydney for spending our first week in Madrid with us. We couldn't have done it, or at least couldn't have done it as smoothly, without her here. She was patient as she was squashed in the back of the car, resourceful as she created games for our kids out of nothing, and consistently happy as we walked for hours and hours across Madrid and Toledo. She even joined me for a delicious Basque dinner at the restaurant Goizeko, where we both braved the waiter's recommendations and ate sweet shrimp (with heads!), squid in ink sauce, cod with red and green sauce, and lamb chops. Finally, she remained completely calm as we got lost trying to find terminal 4 at the airport! 

We all love and miss you Sydney! Hope you quickly adjust to life back home. And maybe we'll see you again in London?

On her final morning, a rare cloudy moment on our rooftop terrace. It's impossible to get everyone looking normal, so I opted for the picture in which the two sisters look the best. Sorry, kids.

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